America Litter®
America Litter®: Dust Free is made with care for sensitive cats and their owners. It doesn't have dust when you pouring cat litter into the tray or scooping urine clumps out of it. Moreover, cats don't leave dusty paw prints all over the house after using cat toilet. It is safe for cats that are sensitive or allergic to dust and people with respiratory tract issues.
7kg / 15.5lb
Baby Powder
Reasons to choose
Low dust level will help to avoid eyes and respiratory tract irritation. It is also safe for people with asthma and dust allergy.
America Litter®: Dust Free doesn't have dust that can stick to cat paws and spread all over the house.
Made of only naturally-occurred ingredients without any toxic additives. 100% safe for you and your cat.
Because clumps don't break it is very easy to scoop them away and throw into trash bin.
America Litter®: Dust Free helps to save you money and improve your overall budget.
Thanks to special granulation and absorption formula, it lasts longer and more economic.
Medical Fact
Cat’s respiratory tract decease are too frustrating and bring suffer for cats and their owners. Without immediate treatment it can become even harder to cure. There are various reasons can cause cat’s respiratory tract decease, such as chronic viral or bacterial infection, fungal decease, allergy, bone and soft tissue damage, polyps, foreign bodies and cancer. If you think your cat has any signs of respiratory tract decease you should immediately consult with your veterinarian.
During chronic viral or bacterial infection, no matter of immune chronic response, because of protection layer damage inside nose and sinuses it can inflict chronic sneezing. As a result, cat’s immune system becomes weaker and any treatment has no effect.
To prevent cat’s respiratory decease from getting worse, it is very important to pay attention to the environment. Cats and asthmatics should avoid cat litter with dust, cat litter containing plant proteins (corn, wheat, pine, paper, etc.), cigarette smoke, sprays, polluted environment and stressful places.
Because America Litter®: Dust Free cat litter has almost no dust, doesn’t contain plant proteins, strong fragrances and deodorants, it to prevent cat’s respiratory tract deceases from further complications and provides stress free environment for cats and their owners who are allergic to dust.
It is really easy to use
Step 1
Fill the cat litter tray with America Litter® cat litter.
Step 2
Spread the cat litter all over the cat litter tray gradually. Maintain the depth level at 6-7cm.
Step 3
Maintain cat litter tray by removing feces every day.
Throw clumps in the trash bin instead.
Step 4
Maintain the 6-7cm level of cat litter in tray by refilling it with the new one.
Step 5
Once a month perform a full cleanup of cat litter tray and refill is with the new cat litter.